Benefits Of Eating Chocolate!


Benefit of Chocolate

We all love eating chocolate even baby and kids.So there are always have some benefit and side effects.So lets talk about eating chocolate. Here are some main reasons>>

Women who ate chocolate daily during their pregnancy reported that they were better able to handle stress than mothers-to-be who abstained. Also, a Finnish study found their babies were happier and smiled more. So your options are popping a piece of premium chocolate or sticking a pacifier in your screaming baby's mouth?!
If you're wondering how you can add dark chocolate to your diet plan without putting on pounds, the good news is that it should be easier than you expect.
Researchers from the University of Copenhagen found that dark chocolate is far more filling, offering more of a feeling of satiety than its lighter-colored sibling. That is, dark chocolate lessens cravings for sweet, salty, and fatty foods. So if indulging in a bit of healthy dark chocolate should not only make it easy for you to stick to the small portion recommended for optimal health, but it should make it easier for you to stick to your diet in general. Jackpot!

No wonder chocolate is linked with Valentine's. Italian scientists found that women who had a daily chocolate treat reported higher sexual desire than those who did without. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), which triggers the release of feel-good dopamine in the brain and is released naturally during sex. For the biggest dose of PEA choose chocolate with at least 60 percent cocoa. 
Cocoa is nature’s own energy-booster. Theobromine and caffeine found in chocolate, are both psychoactive chemical stimulants that improve the speed of neurotransmitters. This affects the way messages are being sent from the brain to our body, helping with the overall cognitive development, especially in kids. Taking a single quality chocolate cube in the morning, on its own or with fruit, can give us enough energy to make it through to lunch, without the need for sugar, or a substantial breakfast.
Cocoa contains caffeine and related chemicals. Eating large amounts might cause caffeine-related side effects such as nervousness, increased urination, sleeplessness, and a fast heartbeat. Cocoa can cause allergic skin reactions, constipation, and might trigger migraine headaches.


  1. My baby eats chocolate all the time. 7-8 KitKat a day. Is it healthy for him? I wonder?!

    1. Eating too much chocolate can be bad for his/her teeth.I think 7-8 kitkat is not too bad for him,but dont give him too much in a day.You know that!
